Campsites are generally unlit at night, except in some special locations. In this case, lighting equipment is very important. Therefore, before camping, most people will first prepare lighting equipment, and lighting equipment is one of the elements of comfort inside the tent. Here are some tips for choosing lighting equipment.
Various types of Camping Lanterns are recommended.
LED Camping Lantern
Desperate in the darkness when your smartphone is powered off when camping and exploring? Here comes the savior. This emergency and rechargeable camping lantern working as a power bank for smartphone or mobile services and supporting a USB cable to recharge brings hope and convenience to you. Say goodbye to frequent battery changes. Your next trip may be much more fun with it.
Although there are many types of lighting equipment on the market, generally speaking, the products used in camping tend to be lantern lighting. However, it is essential to note that not all lantern lighting products are suitable for camping.
LED Camping Lantern recommendation >>>
Oil Lantern
The use of oil lanterns, because of the use of combustion to generate light, so easy to create a warm feeling, and the camping atmosphere and matching. However, if it is set inside the tent, there is a high risk of fire, so unless there is a particular reason, it is recommended to use LED lighting products.
Oil Lantern recommendation >>>
Gas Lantern
This NorthStar propane lantern. It lights easily without matches. Just push the InstaStart ignition. The lantern is designed for just the right light.
In addition, if used outside of a tent, there is no problem with lamp oil or gas-type products when used to illuminate a lantern near the tent. Lastly, since lanterns are lighting equipment that can easily be combined with the natural environment, people who want to create a more suitable atmosphere for camping can actively introduce such products.
Verify the lighting brightness beforehand
Choosing a product with too bright a light will affect the comfort of sleeping and the atmosphere of camping. Therefore, when selecting lighting equipment, please make sure to check the light intensity first.
Many LED-type products can adjust the light intensity. If you buy this product, you can adjust the appropriate brightness for different environments.
Choose the color of the camping lights carefully.
LED Lantern, Portable Camping Tent Light Accessories with Clip Hook, Rechargeable Hanging Outdoor Camping Lights, Table Lamp for Patio Yard Pathway Garden, 3 Lighting Modes
The lighting equipment used in the tent and the light color must be carefully considered. For example, if you want to read a book in a tent, choosing products with white light will be more conducive to reading, but if you want to create a natural atmosphere, you must choose orange light.
Choose the product with the right color of light based on the reference point of the use of the contextual atmosphere.
Although candle-type lanterns are very attractive, the wavering flame light is unsuitable for the tent. Especially on windy solid days, the flame is unstable and may cause a fire, so if you are a novice, it is recommended that you start with LED products.
In the case of using candle-type lanterns, it is essential to read the precautions carefully for use and then use them in a suitable climate to minimize the danger.