What color is the best color for the living room curtains, and how to match the living room curtains?

Curtains can decorate the house, make the home environment more comfortable, and have richer colors. They are indispensable home textile products for home life. Curtains have the effect of blocking sunlight, but they are more of a decorative function . The living room has always been a relatively decorative space, so when choosing curtains for the living room, we will naturally pay attention to layering and decoration, which can coordinate the overall decoration effect. Decent, generous, bright, and concise are the basic requirements. The choice of curtains in the living room The corresponding curtain style, color and pattern will do. So, what color is the best color for the living room curtains, and how to match the living room curtains?

The living room curtains What color is good

1. The color of the curtains in the living room should be coordinated with the color of the whole room. Under normal circumstances, the color of the curtains should be darker than the walls, such as light blue walls, the curtains can be brown, or the blue flowers on a white background can be used as curtains, and the light yellow transparent yarn can be used as curtains. Generally, white and beige curtains are more coordinated with any wall and can be used universally. Color matching should also consider the size and purpose of the room. Light-colored curtains are suitable for a compact living room, which is conducive to expanding the sense of space; dark-colored curtains can be selected in a spacious room, which helps to reduce the feeling of loneliness and emptiness.

2. The curtains in the living room are generally dark-colored, which is solemn and generous and easy to create a warm, soft and friendly atmosphere; the newly married family room can use brightly colored curtains to increase the festive atmosphere in the room; it is easy to suffer from insomnia People with a weak heart can choose red and black curtains to rest and fall asleep; people with a bad heart and easy to be excited should choose curtains in calm colors such as light blue and light green. The choice of curtain color also needs to pay attention to the changes of the four seasons. Generally speaking, cool colors are used in summer to make people feel clean and cool; warm colors are used in winter to make people look warmer and more friendly.

3. For most rooms, curtains are the largest decoration on the wall. It is a “four white floor” simple decoration room, except for some picture frames, maybe the only decoration on the wall is the curtains. Therefore, the style of curtains often plays a decisive role in the entire interior space.

How to match the curtains in the living room

1. Choose colors to match the four seasons and feel more comfortable

The color matching of curtains should also be Take into account the change of seasons. Generally speaking, cool colors are commonly used in summer, which makes people feel clean and cool; warm colors can be used in winter, which looks warmer and more cordial. In summer, light colors are better for curtains, and light, transparent and soft yarns or silks should also be selected for materials. , so that it feels breathable, cool and clean in the hot summer. Warm colors are often used in winter, which looks warmer and more intimate. In terms of material, it is also suitable to use thick and fine flannelette, which can highlight the thickness and warmth. The colors in spring and autumn are mainly neutral colors, calico, imitation silk, etc. can be used, and it looks lively and lively, adding vitality.

2. The color matching is good to add functions to the home

The color of the curtains should also take into account the size and purpose of the room. Different rooms should be matched with different curtain colors, and rooms of different sizes should have different curtain colors. For a room with a relatively small room area and a relatively compact furniture arrangement, light-colored curtains can be used, which is conducive to expanding the sense of space visually. For a room with a relatively spacious and large area, you can choose curtains with a darker color, which helps to reduce the feeling of loneliness and emptiness. As a living room for receiving guests and family reunion, the choice of curtains should be dominated by elegant and luxurious colors, such as golden yellow, which is both solemn and generous and can create a cordial atmosphere.

3. The effect of color coordination is more colorful

The color of the curtains must first be coordinated with the color of the entire room. If it is not well matched, it will be ugly. Generally speaking, the color of the curtains should be darker than the wall, such as light yellow walls, the curtains can be light brown or yellow. The color of the curtains should be darker than that of the walls. The light red walls can be matched with dark red curtains, so that the three-dimensional effect will come out.

The above is a specific introduction to “what color is good for living room curtains and how to match living room curtains”. It is better to decorate the living room warmly. Although warm is not a kind of decoration style, it is also a feeling. If the room is simple and comfortable, and it can be solved without too much effort, the effect is indeed good.

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