Planting flowers is a favorite pastime for many people. Planting flowers nurtures people’s emotions, relaxes them appropriately, and entertains them. As far as I can see, some people do not consider flowers to grow at home. If you like them, you can’t wait to decorate your home like a garden. In fact, it is a very bad practice to do this, especially for families with children. With a few children’s skins, a number of problems can arise due to improper flower cultivation. Starting from a safety point of view, which flowers and plants are not suitable for growing in families with small flowers? Today, at 55gh, we will look at some bonsai plants that are unsuitable for families with small children.
1. thorny plants.
The types of flowers that cannot be grown by children in the family are thorny. Cacti, prickly pear cactus, and tiger thorns are flowering plants with thorns. All thorns are toxic, especially the white sap of tiger thorns, which can be harmful to the skin if it comes into contact with the skin, causing redness and itching of the skin. Therefore, if you want to grow this type of thorn plant, do not grow it at home. Keep out of the reach of small children to prevent accidental injury to them.
2, Drip drip Kannon.
Drip is not suitable for family farming with children. The small droplets on the drip leaves have a certain degree of toxicity. If accidentally eaten or touched, they can cause harm. Furthermore, drip infusion is hardly toxic. The whole body is toxic and its juice, whether in leaves or stems, is highly toxic. Adults and children in the house should be very careful not to cause health problems. It is also effective, but care still needs to be taken if there are babies in the house. Do not have any luck! Mishandling can cause allergies, itching, and redness!
3, Dieffenbachia.
Dieffenbachia is also known as pink daisy leaf. This is also a toxic plant. It belongs to the taro family. A significant part of this species of plant is toxic. Dieffenbachia is one of the most common plants. Toxins can even cause dizziness, mood mutations, nausea and vomiting, breathing difficulties, etc.; if the smell is too strong, poisoning can also occur, com sleep, cramps, etc. Agriculture is top of the list.
4, Night scent.
Tuberose is a very fragrant plant similar to the lily of the valley. Prolonged contact with the taste of this plant can cause insomnia, asthma, coughs, etc. Some patients, in particular, cannot tolerate this particular fragrance. The plant aggravates diseases, so care must be taken when breeding. These plants usually cause these problems in adults. Our children are not as immune as adults, and we should not grow them casually.
5, Adiantum.
Maidenhair fern is a type of fern that releases spores. It can cause allergies in allergic and infirm people. The fern’s spores burst open in mid-air as they mature. Diffuse, it is better not to breed ferns as they are harmful to human health. Adiantum and Birds’ Nest Fern, Staghorn Fern, Tall Goat Tooth, Grass Selaginella, etc.
6, Mimosa.
Perhaps you think mimosa may not be toxic, having never bullied it since childhood? Mimosa is not known to contain mimosine toxins. Prolonged contact causes yellowing of the hair. And mimosa throws up some toxic substances at night, so children should choose carefully, not just tease it for fun!
7, Poinsettia.
This is a very festive plant. Many people grow them at home to enhance the festive atmosphere. It is not known that poinsettias release toxic fumes and can cause respiratory allergies and other problems. Furthermore, poinsettia leaves come into contact with each other. human skin can cause problems such as redness, swelling, fever, ulcers, severe abdominal pain, and vomiting.
In addition to the above types of plants unsuitable for home breeding, bachelor trees and daffodils are classified as wonderfully fragrant plants, milky poisonous plants, and plants with thorns on the body. They are not suitable for breeding in households with children. For the healthy growth of future generations, carefully select safe, non-toxic plants to grow when you grow flowers!